Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just so you know...

Hey I forgot to tell everyone that I'm posting videos/songs from youtube at the bottom of my post. So if you want to keep seeing these videos then you should totes come on back here.

Click Here for another ;)

Days one and two

So I started meditating on monday and let me tell you monday was the hardest day so far. I found out quickly that sitting still for a long period of time is really really hard without falling asleep or getting fidgety (which I did). In the end though I thought that the time I got to sit and relax was defiantly worth the time it took to relax. I felt pretty good after I was done with my first meditation.

Day two was a little easier mostly, because I knew what the beast was that I was up against. It was a lot easier this time to get set and just sit there so I decided to try one of the methods I learned about during my research. I decided to do the easiest form that I had read about which was focused breathing exercise. It worked pretty well I almost fell asleep though.

I will be posting later today on how day three goes.

Click Here for another awesome video.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lets get down to it

Hey everyone, for the next thirty days I will be meditating and seeing what the results of this behavior change are. The reason I'm making a blog about it is so that other people can see what I'm doing and maybe even try it for themselves. For the next thirty days I will attempt to meditate everyday for at least 15-30 minutes and I would also like to post an update on how things are going everyday. So you might be wondering what the main goal of my whole experiment is, well its to see if meditating can reduce stress when practiced regularly, because I'm like your average college student and I'm am very stressed sometimes.

Click Here for an awesome video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!